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2022년 3월 <BEING AWAKE>


Wolin is the administrator of a nature-friendly consciousness development program built on the concepts of “Connecting With Nature” and “Being Awake.” He is currently working on the “Insight Game.”

The meaning of my pen name Wolin (越因) is “to transcend causality.” Everything in the external material world and the internal spiritual world is a result of the law of cause and effect, which states that everything exists as an effect of something else. We all serve as causes for one another-there is no fixed original cause. As Ouspensky put it, this is a phenomenon in which “the unknown defines the unknown,” and it applies to both the external world and the internal world. When one sees that these interdependent causalities have no root, one can come to transcend causality. Beyond the waves of causality, there is the water of origin. While there may be various waves, once one sees past their forms, there is only amorphous water. Beyond the world of causality lies our true nature. Hence, I’ve named myself Wolin on behalf of advocates of this idea. Now, let us set out on a journey toward what lies beyond causality.

Authored Books:
- Mahayana: Beyond Essence and Appearance
- Rising Above Your Inner Inertia: The Grand Anatomy of Emotions
- Spring Flourishes Even amid Death
- I Ching: Grand Voyage to the Deeper Consciousness

Forthcoming Books:
- Discourse on “Straight Talk on the True Mind”(眞心直說)
- Discourse on “Chao Lun: the treatises of Seng-chao”(肇論)
- Discourse on “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”  

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