간호학과 사회복지학을 전공하고 아세아연합신학대학원과 영국의 London Bible College에서 수학했으며 건양대학원의 보건복지학과에서 신학과 의학, 심리학을 통합한 치유선교학 박사 학위를 국내 최초로 취득했다. C.C.C. 상담실장을 역임하고 내적 치유 사역연구원을 설립하여 복음주의 기독교 상담자 육성을 위해 강의와 집필 그리고 교육에 전념하고 있다.
주서택 목사와 김선화 박사는 1992년부터 성경 심리학의 관점으로 마음을 치유하는 ‘성서적 내적치유 세미나’를 한국교계 최초로 시작했다. 이 세미나는 지금 현재까지 한 해도 거르지 않고 계속 진행되어 현장 참석자가 6만 명에 이르는 한국 교계 최장기 세미나가 되었다.두 사람의 저서로는 『엄마 가지마』, 『혼란 속에서 묻다』, 『기억의 공격』, 『결혼 전에 치유받아야 할 마음의 상처와 아픔들』, 『믿음으로 했다』 『 그림과 성경으로 풀어가는 마음의 치유』 와 세미나 관련 교재 등이 있다.
Rev. Seotaek Joo has significantly impacted Korean churches in particular, and the rest of society in general, with his vision for student ministry, social welfare, and the inner healing ministry. He was with the Campus Crusade for Christ Korea (Cru Kor) for 25 years, serving in various capacities as the Executive Vice President, President of Mission in Korea, and Co-President of the Campus Gospel Organization, among others. In 2002, Rev. Joo left Cru Kor and founded the Lord's Church in downtown Cheong Ju. Since then, the Lord's Church has practiced a reformative model of a church that grows and shares with others outside the church and the rest of the neighborhood. Half of the church's budget has been spent on missions outside of the church. For his impact on society, Rev. Joo was awarded the Order of Civil Merit by President Dae Jung Kim, the eighth president of Korea. The Government of Korea also selected him as one of 157 persons who brought hope to Koreans, and one of 50 who impacted Chung-Cheong state. Furthermore, Rev. Joo was awarded the Grand Citizen Prize by the Chung-Cheong state government and the Grand Culture Prize by the Cheong-Ju city government. Rev. Joo likewise received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Theology from the New York Theological Seminary.Dr. Sunwha Kim majored in nursing and social welfare and conducted further studies at London Bible College and ACTS University. Furthermore, she received her doctoral degree in healing missiology, an interdisciplinary study on theology, psychology, and medical science, at Konyang University, making her the first healing missiologist in Korea. She previously served as the Executive of Counseling at Cru Kor. At present, she focuses on conducting research and providing lectures and training for a Christian counseling program. She is the concurrent president of the Biblical Inner Healing Ministry Center.Together, Rev. Joo and Dr. Kim initiated their inner healing ministry vision in 1992 with the first Biblical Inner Healing Seminar in Korea. The seminar has been held regularly since then, attracting around 60,000 people, including those who attended the 152nd Biblical Inner Healing seminar held in June 2022. They have designed training materials for the seminar and published several books, including Mom, Please Don't Leave Me, Asking in Confusion, Memory Attack, Wounds and Hurts that Need to be Healed Before Marriage, Only in Faith, and Inner Healing with Paintings and the Bible.