
추천 저자 authors
화제의 신간

Poor Economics (Hardcover)
Esther Duflo

The 5 Levels of Leadership (Paperback)
존 맥스웰 지음

Demand: How to Discover It, Exploit It, and Why Everything Depends on It (Paperback)
에이드리언 J. 슬라이워츠키 지... 7,490

That Used to Be Us (Perfect Paperback)
토머스 L. 프리드먼 지음

2011 베스트!

Brandwashed (Paperback)
마틴 린드스트롬 지음

Disciplined Dreaming (Hardcover)
Josh Linkner

Poke the Box (Hardcover)
Godin, Seth

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How to Win Friends & Influence People (Mass Market Paperback, Revised)

데일 카네기 지음 / Simon & Schuster

9,200원(34%할인 / 100원)

The Psychology of Money : Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness (Paperback)

Morgan Housel / Harriman House

17,350원(35%할인 / 350원)

Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing (Paperback, Revised)

벤저민 그레이엄. 제이슨 츠바이크 지음 / Harper Collins

23,590원(35%할인 / 240원)

Just Keep Buying : Proven ways to save money and build your wealth (Paperback)

Nick Maggiulli / Harriman House

19,500원(35%할인 / 200원)

How Countries Go Broke: Principles for Navigating the Big Debt Cycle, Where We Are Headed, and What We Should Do (Hardcover)

레이 달리오 / Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster

36,750원(30%할인 / 370원)

The NFT Handbook: How to Create, Sell and Buy Non-Fungible Tokens (Paperback)

Matt Fortnow / Wiley

27,620원(35%할인 / 280원)

Quantitative Momentum: A Practitioner's Guide to Building a Momentum-Based Stock Selection System (Hardcover)

Wesley R. Gray / John Wiley & Sons Inc

47,260원(30%할인 / 950원)

The Only Guide to Alternative Investments You'll Ever Need: The Good, the Flawed, the Bad, and the Ugly (Hardcover)

Larry Swedroe / Bloomberg Pr

38,250원(30%할인 / 390원)

Smarter Trading: Improving Performance in Changing Markets (Hardcover, 1st)

Perry Kaufman / McGraw-Hill Education

25,030원(40%할인 / 260원)

Currency Trading for Dummies (Paperback, 3)

Consumer Dummies / For Dummies

34,470원(30%할인 / 690원)

DIY Financial Advisor: A Simple Solution to Build and Protect Your Wealth (Hardcover)


44,640원(30%할인 / 900원)

Getting Started in Commodities (Paperback)

George A. Fontanills / John Wiley & Sons Inc

29,310원(30%할인 / 300원)

Stock Investing for Dummies (Paperback, 5)

Paul Mladjenovic / John Wiley & Sons Inc

31,920원(30%할인 / 640원)

Investing for the Long Term (Hardcover)

F Parames / John Wiley & Sons Inc

35,700원(30%할인 / 720원)

The Market Maker's Edge: A Wall Street Insider Reveals How To: Time Entry and Exit Points for Minimum Risk, Maximum Profit; Combine Fundamental and Te (Paperback, Revised)

Joshua Lukeman / McGraw-Hill

28,100원(30%할인 / 290원)

How to Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett (Paperback)

Cunningham, Lawrence A. / McGraw-Hill

35,770원(30%할인 / 360원)

The Value Investors: Lessons from the World's Top Fund Managers (Hardcover)

Ronald Chan / John Wiley & Sons Inc

48,540원(30%할인 / 980원)

Fundamental Analysis for Dummies (Paperback, 2)

Consumer Dummies / For Dummies

21,920원(50%할인 / 220원)

Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies (Paperback)

Dummies / John Wiley & Sons Inc

21,920원(50%할인 / 220원)

The Vital Few Versus the Trivial Many: Invest with the Insiders, Not the Masses (Paperback)

George Muzea / John Wiley & Sons Inc

36,980원(30%할인 / 370원)

How to Get Started in Stocks (Paperback)

Wiley & Sons Inc / John Wiley & Sons Inc

36,980원(30%할인 / 370원)

The Investor's Quotient: The Psychology of Successful Investing in Commodities & Stocks (Paperback, 2, Revised)


40,810원(30%할인 / 410원)

Death Of Money (Paperback)

James Rickards / Portfolio

18,130원(30%할인 / 190원)

Penny Stocks for Dummies (Paperback, 2)

Peter Leeds / John Wiley & Sons Inc

18,670원(50%할인 / 190원)