
추천 저자 authors
화제의 신간

Poor Economics (Hardcover)
Esther Duflo

The 5 Levels of Leadership (Paperback)
존 맥스웰 지음

Demand: How to Discover It, Exploit It, and Why Everything Depends on It (Paperback)
에이드리언 J. 슬라이워츠키 지... 7,490

That Used to Be Us (Perfect Paperback)
토머스 L. 프리드먼 지음

2011 베스트!

Brandwashed (Paperback)
마틴 린드스트롬 지음

Disciplined Dreaming (Hardcover)
Josh Linkner

Poke the Box (Hardcover)
Godin, Seth

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이 분야에 23 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Where Am I Eating?: An Adventure Through the Global Food Economy with Discussion Questions and a Guide to Going Glocal (Paperback, 2)

Timmerman, Kelsey / John Wiley & Sons

27,460원(35%할인 / 280원)

KFC in China: Secret Recipe for Success (Paperback)

Warren Liu / John Wiley & Sons Inc

29,790원(35%할인 / 300원)

Accounting and Financial Management in Foodservice Operations (Paperback)

David K. Hayes / Wiley

91,420원(35%할인 / 920원)

Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Foods : Principles and Applications (Hardcover)

Dong Sun Lee / John Wiley and Sons Ltd

257,920원(35%할인 / 2,580원)

Wine Management and Marketing Opportunities for Companies and Challenges for the Industry (Hardcover)

Foued Cheriet / Wiley-ISTE

212,530원(35%할인 / 2,130원)

Food Formulation : Novel Ingredients and Processing Techniques (Hardcover)

Shivani Pathania / Wiley-Blackwell

229,250원(35%할인 / 2,300원)

Ecodesign and Ecoinnovation in the Food Industries (Hardcover, 1st)

Gwenola Yannou-Le Bris / Wiley-ISTE

212,530원(35%할인 / 2,130원)

Starting & Running a Coffee Shop: Brew Success with Proven Strategies for Every Aspect of Your Espresso Startup (Paperback)

린다 포미첼리 / Alpha Books

14,300원(50%할인 / 150원)

Alginates: Applications in the Biomedical and Food Industries (Hardcover)

Shakeel Ahmed / Wiley-Scrivener

290,170원(35%할인 / 2,910원)

Handbook of International Food and Agricultural Policies (In 3 Volumes) (Hardcover)

Tim Josling / World Scientific Pub Co Inc

1,279,810원(30%할인 / 12,800원)

Brewers and Brewing in Huntingdonshire : A Social and Economic History (Paperback)

Evelyn Lord / EAH Press

9,960원(40%할인 / 500원)

Whiskey Business: How Small-Batch Distillers Are Transforming American Spirits (Paperback)

Tom Acitelli / Chicago Review Press

14,690원(60%할인 / 150원)

Irrational Persistence: Seven Secrets That Turned a Bankrupt Startup Into a $231,000,000 Business (Hardcover)

Dave Zilko / John Wiley & Sons Inc

29,850원(35%할인 / 300원)

Can Chinese Feed Itself? : Chinese Scholars on China's Food Issue (Paperback)

Tingquan Zhang / Foreign Languages Press

18,440원(35%할인 / 930원)

Biscuitville : The Secret Recipe for Building a Sustainable Competitive Advantage (Hardcover)

Phil Johnston / Infinite Ideas Limited

26,220원(35%할인 / 1,320원)

The Food Labelling Regulations 1996 (Paperback)

Great Britain / TSO

25,340원(30%할인 / 1,270원)

Beam, Straight Up (Hardcover)

Fred Noe / John Wiley & Sons Inc

27,410원(35%할인 / 280원)

The Food Truck Handbook: Start, Grow, and Succeed in the Mobile Food Business (Paperback)

D. Weber / John Wiley & Sons Inc

14,960원(50%할인 / 150원)

American Wine: A Coming-Of-Age Story (Hardcover)

Starla T. Gresham / Zephyr Pr Learning Materials

22,010원(60%할인 / 230원)

Value Chain Struggles : Institutions and Governance in the Plantation Districts of South India (Paperback)

Jeff Neilson / Blackwell Pub

47,710원(35%할인 / 480원)

Raising the Bar: Integrity and Passion in Life and Business: The Story of Clif Bar Inc. (Paperback)

Gary Erickson / Jossey-Bass Inc Pub

38,220원(35%할인 / 390원)

Beer School: Bottling Success at the Brooklyn Brewery (Hardcover)

Steve Hindy / John Wiley & Sons Inc

47,710원(35%할인 / 480원)

Ale, Beer and Brewsters in England: Women's Work in a Changing World, 1300-1600 (Hardcover)

Judith M. Bennett / Oxford Univ Pr on Demand

205,800원(30%할인 / 2,060원)