

베스트셀러: 최근 일주일간 가장 많이 판매된 도서입니다.

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A Matter of Life and Death: How to Handle Family Affairs During Illness and Death and Keep Probate Court Out of Your Business (Paperback)
Esq Jehan Crump-Gibson | Hnjd Ent
30,110원(18% 할인 / 1,510원)
Inheritance Heists: Reclaim Your Family's Legacy and Fight Back Against Financial Predators (Paperback)
Michael Hackard | Hackard Global Media, LLC
19,500원(18% 할인 / 980원)
What My Family Should Know: *Will Planning Workbook* Incase of Emergency DNR, Estate Info, Assets Overview, Funeral Plan, Final Wishes, 8.5X11 (Paperback)
Peace Of Mind and Heart Planners | Independently Published
14,890원(18% 할인 / 750원)
A Beginner's Explanation of Living Trusts and Estate Planning: How to Save Money on Probate & Taxes, Understand How to Protect Your Assets & Safeguard (Paperback)
George Munson | Gl Digital Publishing LLC
22,580원(18% 할인 / 1,130원)

Wills, Trusts, and Estates in Focus, Second Edition: [Connected eBook with Study Center] (Hardcover, 2, Second Edition)
Naomi R. Cahn | Aspen Publishing
479,580원(10% 할인 / 14,390원)
Contentious Probate Handbook (Paperback, 2 New edition)
Islam, Carl | The Law Society
214,220원(18% 할인 / 10,720원)
Succession Law Essentials : 2nd edition (Paperback, 2 New edition)
McCarthy, Frankie | Edinburgh University Press
38,920원(18% 할인 / 1,950원)
Estate Planning Essentials: A Comprehensive Guide to Preserving Your Estate, Minimizing Probate, and Ensuring Your Legacy (Paperback)
Jeff Kikel | Independently Published
19,560원(18% 할인 / 980원)

Inheritance Hell: A ?.2 Million Fraud (Paperback)
Tom Renny | UK Book Publishing
21,470원(10% 할인 / 650원)
The Other Side of Paradise (Paperback)
Vanessa Beaumont | Oneworld Publications
19,450원(18% 할인 / 980원)
Das sogenannte Supervermaechtnis: Zivil- und steuerrechtliche Probleme (Hardcover)
Matthias Balkenhol | Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissen
84,250원(10% 할인 / 4,220원)
Private Client 2025: : Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning - Legal Practice Course Guides (LPC) (Paperback)
King | College of Law Publishing
75,930원(18% 할인 / 3,800원)

Every Californian's Guide to Estate Planning: Wills, Trust & Everything Else (Paperback)
Liza W. Hanks | Nolo
45,180원(18% 할인 / 2,260원)
Quick & Legal Will Book (Paperback)
Editors of Nolo | Nolo
40,660원(18% 할인 / 2,040원)
Quicken Willmaker & Trust 2025: Book & Online Software Kit (Paperback)
Editors of Nolo | Nolo
195,850원(18% 할인 / 9,800원)
Family Blindsided: An Estate Planning Road Map for Keeping Your Family Out of Court and Out of Conflict (Paperback)
Trisha Morales Padia | Trisha Morales Padia
33,140원(18% 할인 / 1,660원)

Irish Probate Practitioner's Handbook (Hardcover)
Dowling, Karl | Round Hall Ltd
370,500원(0% 할인 / 11,120원)
Powers of Attorney : A Statutory Annotation (Paperback, 4 ed)
Brian Gallagher | Round Hall Ltd
161,500원(0% 할인 / 4,850원)
The Beautifully Organized Estate Planner: The Ultimate Estate Planning Organizer for End of Life (Hardcover)
Nikki Boyd | Paige Tate & Co
58,720원(20% 할인 / 2,940원)
Estate Planning for Peace of Mind: Simplified Steps To Secure Your Legacy, Protect Your Loved Ones, And Minimize Taxes To Maximize Wealth Transfer (Paperback)
Carmen Segovia | Marothi Publishing
22,580원(18% 할인 / 1,130원)

Comment commencer ?faire des op?ations de change en ligne: Le guide complet pour devenir trader en partant de z?o. Incluant des strat?ies de tradi (Hardcover)
John Fazio | John Fazio
44,630원(10% 할인 / 1,340원)
The Telegraph Tax Guide 2025 : Your Complete Guide to the Tax Return for 2024/25 (Hardcover, 49 Revised edition)
(tmg) Telegraph Media | Kogan Page
126,780원(25% 할인 / 1,270원)
The Telegraph Tax Guide 2025 : Your Complete Guide to the Tax Return for 2024/25 (Paperback, 49 Revised edition)
(tmg) Telegraph Media | Kogan Page
35,810원(25% 할인 / 360원)
In- und auslaendische Immobilieninvestments innerhalb und au?rhalb des neuen Investmentsteuerrechts (Hardcover)
Valentin Clemens | Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissen
102,440원(10% 할인 / 5,130원)

Wills, Probate and Estates (Paperback, 8 Revised edition)
Nuala Casey | Oxford University Press
114,880원(18% 할인 / 5,750원)
Tangled Legacy: Turning Estate Planning Mistakes into Successes (Paperback)
Independently Published
22,520원(18% 할인 / 1,130원)
Besitz ALS Relatives Eigentum?: Geschichte Und Dogmatik Des Besitzschutzes ALS Relativschutz Im Common Law Und Im Civil Law (Paperback)
Felix Andreas Kiefner | Mohr Siebeck
195,130원(10% 할인 / 5,860원)
Bedeutung Und Zukunft Der Kodifikationsidee in Deutschland Und Polen (Paperback)
Wolfgang Kahl | Mohr Siebeck
122,370원(10% 할인 / 3,680원)

Der Menschenvorbehalt: Kunstliche Intelligenz in Der Korporativen Arbeitsteilung (Paperback)
Tobias Ponssen | Mohr Siebeck
185,220원(10% 할인 / 5,560원)
Die Autonomie Des Individuums: Eine Annaherung an Einen Schlusselbegriff Des Rechts Aus Medizin-, Familien- Und Betreuungsrechtlicher Perspektive (Paperback)
Felix Schumann | Mohr Siebeck
214,980원(10% 할인 / 6,450원)
Formnichtige Vertrage Zwischen Ruckabwicklung Und Erfullung: Eine Vergleichende Betrachtung Des Deutschen Und Englischen Rechts (Paperback)
Carolin Janson | Mohr Siebeck
173,630원(10% 할인 / 5,210원)
Gestaltung Mehrseitiger Austauschvertrage (Hardcover)
Sarah Legner | Mohr Siebeck
256,320원(10% 할인 / 7,690원)

Das Sharenting in Der Zivilrechtsdogmatik: Zu Den Grenzen Elterlicher Dispositionsbefugnis Uber Das Personlichkeitsrecht Des Kindes (Paperback)
Katharina Theresa Starz | Mohr Siebeck
163,710원(10% 할인 / 4,920원)
Der Retter Des Suizidenten: Anspruche Zwischen Geschaftsfuhrung Ohne Auftrag, Delikt Und Gesetzlicher Unfallversicherung (Paperback)
Theresa Hager | Mohr Siebeck
185,220원(10% 할인 / 5,560원)
Leistungsstorungsrecht in Mitteleuropa: Art. 354-359 Adhgb (Paperback)
Martin Lohnig | Mohr Siebeck
163,710원(10% 할인 / 4,920원)
Grenzuberschreitende Klimaklagen: Klimaschutz Zwischen Privatrechtlicher Haftung Und Offentlich-Rechtlicher Befugnis (Paperback)
Mai-Lan Tran | Mohr Siebeck
173,630원(10% 할인 / 5,210원)

Fehlerhafte Kapitalerhohungen: Eine Untersuchung Von Mangelrecht, Bestandsschutz Und Rechtsfolgen Am Beispiel Von AG Und Gmbh (Paperback)
Ariane Antolic | Mohr Siebeck
214,980원(10% 할인 / 6,450원)
Tauschungen in Unternehmerischen Vertragsverhandlungen (Hardcover)
Stefanie Jung | Mohr Siebeck
329,090원(10% 할인 / 9,880원)
Die Erfindung Des 19. Jahrhunderts: Ein Wissens- Und Professionssoziologischer Beitrag Zur Historiographie Des Westlichen Rechtsdenkens (Paperback)
Preuss, Karlson | Mohr Siebeck
185,220원(10% 할인 / 5,560원)
Vertragsbezogene Gestaltungsrechte in Dynamischen Situationen (Hardcover)
Florian Martin Pregler | Mohr Siebeck
195,130원(10% 할인 / 5,860원)

Comparative Succession Law : Volume IV: Administration of Estates (Hardcover)
Reid, Kenneth G C | Oxford University Press
406,120원(10% 할인 / 12,190원)
Avizandum Statutes on Scots Property, Trusts and Succession Law : 2024-2025, 21st Edition (Paperback)
Andrew J. m. Steven | Edinburgh University Press
58,400원(18% 할인 / 2,920원)
Regulierung Trotz Nichtwissen: Epistemisches Vertrauen ALS Handlungsressource Und Methode Im Recht (Paperback)
Johannes Robert Blocher | Mohr Siebeck
226,550원(10% 할인 / 6,800원)
Schuldrecht Der Kryptowahrungen (Paperback)
Christian Wengert | Mohr Siebeck
195,130원(10% 할인 / 5,860원)

Enforcing Private Regulation in the Platform Economy (Paperback)
Federica Casarosa | Mohr Siebeck
185,220원(10% 할인 / 5,560원)
Der Ort Der Eheschliessung Im Deutschen Kollisionsrecht: Zugleich Ein Beitrag Zur Reform Des Eheschliessungskollisionsrechts (Paperback)
Anna Gmehling | Mohr Siebeck
163,710원(10% 할인 / 4,920원)
Who Will Get My Money When I Die? : The concise guide to making your Will and reducing the impact of Inheritance Tax on your Estate (Paperback)
스튜어트 리치 | Rethink Press
30,260원(25% 할인 / 610원)
Testamentsgestaltung Mit Supervermaechtnis: Ist Das Supervermaechtnis Ein Erbrechtliches Gestaltungsinstrument Der Superlative? (Hardcover)
Sarah Isabell Lipski | Peter Lang D
66,060원(10% 할인 / 3,310원)

Erfolg im Zeitalter des Feuers: Psychologische Strategien f? den Erfolg (Paperback)
Franjo Haufe | tredition GmbH
28,080원(10% 할인 / 850원)
Der Internationale Schutz Von Sendeunternehmen: Notwendigkeit Und Ausgestaltung Seiner Aktualisierung in Einem Wipo Broadcasting Organizations Treaty (Paperback)
Florian Priemel | Mohr Siebeck
185,220원(10% 할인 / 5,560원)